Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Wise Man? / Healthy Breakfast Sandwich

Yesterday, the boys discovered that scissors were not just for paper.

This happened just in time for the Christmas play at church today.

The irony? Biscuit was a Wise Man.

Stinkers like my boys need an extra healthy breakfast so they can think of other creative ways to play besides cutting their own hair.

Ellie Krieger gave me the idea for a no brainer healthy breakfast sandwich, and the SuperNoots kids love it. Most grocery stores have whole grain English muffins, and this along with egg whites, Canadian bacon, and tomato makes for a filling, healthy start to the day.


Liisa said...

Oh my goodness! Don't kids always seem to do something like this right before a big event or picture day! ~smile~

My son loves English muffin sandwiches but I haven't thought to add tomato before - thanks for sharing.


3 Bay B Chicks said...

I saw this post before Christmas and have logged back onto your site a few times since then just for a few more laughs. This picture seriously KILLS me. I know that I shouldn't laugh because I am sure that I will face a similar fate someday, but for now, it makes me smile with glee.

The wise just doesn't get much better than that.

Will you follow up with a few pics from the Christmas production? One can only hope. :)

Happy New Year!
